Если в Google по первой ссылки скачать расширение Left 4 Downtown 2 ( и загрузить его на сервер myArena, то в итоге вы можете получить следующую ошибку:
Данная версия расширение избавляет вас от этой ошибки.
Left 4 Downtown 2 - это расширение, которое в основном используют для разблокировки максимального количества слотов игроков на сервере
Так же, это расширение добавляет цели для команд в Sourcemod, таких как @survivors и @infected.
Ну и соответственно, с помощью этого расширения в плагины можно принести новые новаторские решения.
Извлеките содержимое архива и поместите его в /left4dead2/addons/sourcemod
Сделайте рестарт сервера
просто установите CVAR l4d_maxplayers на то, что вы хотите, в server.cfg (например, l4d_maxplayers 12 ) или -1, чтобы отключить переопределение. Вы также можете установить -maxplayers или + maxplayers из командной строки вместо использования CVAR.
Чтобы использовать специальные цели, просто используйте их в команде. например sm_kick @infected или !slay @survivors
Возможности разработчиков: Left 4 Downtown 2 предоставляет большое количество полезных форвардов для разработчиков плагинов L4D2. Ниже приводится список некоторых форвардов.
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnTank(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @remarks Not invoked if z_spawn tank is used and it gives a ghosted/dead player tank
* @param vector Vector coordinate where tank is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where tank will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block tank from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnTank(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnWitch(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @param vector Vector coordinate where witch is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where witch will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block witch from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnWitch(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnWitchBride(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @param vector Vector coordinate where witch is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where witch will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block witch from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnWitchBride(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnSpecial(ZombieClassType,Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @remarks Only used for bot special spawns (not players)
* @param zombieClass Zombie class that will be spawned.
* @param vector Vector coordinate where special will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where spcial will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block special from spawning,
* Pl_Changed to change the zombie class type to spawn, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnSpecial(&zombieClass, const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::ClearTeamScores(bool) is invoked
* @remarks This resets the map score at the beginning of a map, and by checking
* the campaign scores on a small timer you can see if they were reset as well.
* @param newCampaign if true then this is a new campaign, if false a new chapter
* @return Pl_Handled to block scores from being cleared, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnClearTeamScores(bool:newCampaign);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::SetCampaignScores(int,int) is invoked
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after the 2nd round is completed
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return Pl_Handled to block campaign scores from being set, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSetCampaignScores(&scoreA,&scoreB);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea is invoked
* @remarks A versus round is started when survivors leave the safe room, or force started
* after 90 seconds regardless.
* @param client the survivor that left the safe area first
* @return Pl_Handled to block round from being started, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea(client);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, int) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueInt(const String:key[],&retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, float) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueFloat(const String:key[],&Float:retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, const char*, char*, int) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param defaultVal default key return, usually empty
* @param retVal returned String
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueString(const String:key[], const String:defaultVal[],String:retVal[128]);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::OnEnterGhostState(CTerrorPlayer*) is invoked
* @remarks This happens when a player enters ghost mode (or in finales auto-materialized)
* @param client the client that has entered ghost mode
forward L4D_OnEnterGhostState(client);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::TryOfferingTankBot is invoked
* @remarks Is used for displaying the "X gets Tank" window and transferring Tank control
* @return Pl_Handled to block window from showing and to keep Tank Bot, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnTryOfferingTankBot(tank_index,&bool:enterStasis);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirector::OnMobRushStart(void) is invoked
* @remarks called on random hordes, mini- and finale hordes, and boomer hordes, causes Zombies to attack
* Not called on "z_spawn mob", hook the console command and check arguments to catch plugin mobs
* This function is used to reset the Director's natural horde timer
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnMobRushStart();/**
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnITMob(int) is invoked
* @remarks called on boomer hordes, increases Zombie Spawn Queue
* @param amount Amount of Zombies to add to Queue
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnITMob(&amount);/**
* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnMob(int) is invoked
* @remarks called on natural hordes & z_spawn mob, increases Zombie Spawn
* Queue, triggers player OnMobSpawned (vocalizations), sets horde
* direction, and plays horde music.
* @param amount Amount of Zombies to add to Queue
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnMob(&amount);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::OnShovedBySurvivor(CTerrorPlayer, Vector&) is invoked
* @remarks L4D2 only uses this on Special Infected
* @param client the client that did the shoving
* @param victim the client that was shoved (CAUTION: retrieved from function pointer, dont meddle with it)
* @param vector Vector Angle of Shoveforce
* @return Pl_Handled to block melee effect (staggering), Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnShovedBySurvivor(client, victim, const Float:vector[3]);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetCrouchTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetCrouchTopSpeed(target,&Float:retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetRunTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetRunTopSpeed(target,&Float:retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetWalkTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetWalkTopSpeed(target,&Float:retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::HasConfigurableDifficultySetting() is invoked
* @remarks used to deny/allow difficulty changes in different game modes
* @param retVal what to override the return value with. 1 to allow difficulty configuration, 0 to deny.
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnHasConfigurableDifficulty(&retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::GetSurvivorSet(void) is invoked
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetSurvivorSet(&retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::FastGetSurvivorSet(void) is invoked
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnFastGetSurvivorSet(&retVal);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirectorVersusMode::GetMissionVersusBossSpawning() is invoked
* @remarks Passed values are from the map's Mission Keyvalues. If those keyvalues don't exist, they are from cvar and other globals
* @param spawn_pos_min Minimum spawn position (percent of flow distance) for bosses
* @param spawn_pos_max Maximum spawn position (perfect of flow distance) for bosses
* @param tank_chance Chance for a tank to spawn on this map
* @param witch_chance Chance for a witch to spawn on this map
* @return Pl_Handled to block reading map data, Pl_Changed to use overwritten values from plugin, Pl_Continue to continue to read from mission data.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetMissionVSBossSpawning(&Float:spawn_pos_min,&Float:spawn_pos_max,&Float:tank_chance,&Float:witch_chance);/**
* @brief Called whenever CThrow::ActivateAbility(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called when a tank throws a rock. Blocking this call will
* keep the tank from throwing a rock.
* @param ability ability_throw entity index
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnCThrowActivate(ability);/**
* @brief Called whenever InfectedShoved::OnShoved(Infected *, CBaseEntity *) is invoked
* @remarks Called when common Infected are about to get shoved
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnInfectedShoved(infected, entity);/**
* @brief Called whenever CTerrorMeleeWeapon::StartMeleeSwing(CTerrorPlayer *, bool) is invoked
* @remarks Called when a player uses his melee Weapons primary attack. This is before the game
* reads the melee weapon data (model etc) and decides if he CAN attack at all.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnStartMeleeSwing(client,bool:boolean);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirectorScriptedEventManager::SendInRescueVehicle(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called when the last Finale stage is reached and the Rescue Means becomes 'available'.
* Take note this forward WILL fire upon using the native of the same function.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnSendInRescueVehicle();/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirectorScriptedEventManager::ChangeFinaleStage is invoked
* @param FinaleStageType integer value
* @remarks some values for FinaleStageType: 1 - Finale Started; 6 - Rescue Vehicle Ready; 7 - Zombie Hordes; 8 - Tank; 10 - Combat Respite (nothing spawns)
* @remarks SendInRescueVehicle does not depend on Finale Stage being 6, that only signals endless Hordes/Tanks
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnChangeFinaleStage(&finaleType, const String:arg[]);/**
* @brief Called whenever CDirectorVersusMode::EndVersusModeRound(bool) is invoked
* @param countSurvivors True if the survival multiplier count needs to be nonzero. I guess.
* @remarks Not sure what bool does exactly yet. Just monitor it. If true, survivors will be counted for multiplier. If false, survival multiplier will be set to 0.
* @remarks A lot of Score calculations happen on this function, and the round-end scoreboard comes up doing this. Don't block unless you're sure you can reproduce this logic.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnEndVersusModeRound(bool:countSurvivors);/**
* @brief Called when CBaseAnimating::SelectWeightedSequence(int Activity) is invoked with tank attack activity
* @remarks Called whenever a tank uses his primary (punch) or secondary (throw) attack
* @param client the client that is playing as tank
* @param sequence current selected sequence for attack, option to override the return value with it
* @remarks sequences(punches): 40(uppercut), 43(right hook), 45(left hook), 46 and 47 (pounding the ground)
* @remarks sequences(throws): 48(undercut), 49(1handed overhand), 50(throw from the hip), 51(2handed overhand)
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D2_OnSelectTankAttack(client,&sequence);/**
* @brief Called when CTerrorPlayer::OnRevived(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called post-revive so all data values are post-revive status.
* @param client the client that has been revived
* @noreturn Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D2_OnRevived(client);
* @brief Get the current campaign scores stored in the Director
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after L4D_OnSetCampaignScores
* @deprecated This will set the scores to -1 for both sides on L4D2,
* this function is no longer supported.
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return 1 always
*/#pragma deprecated Use GetTeamScore and OnClearTeamScores instead
native L4D_GetCampaignScores(&scoreA,&scoreB);/**
* @brief Get the team scores for the current map
* @remarks The campaign scores are not set until the end of round 2,
* use L4D_GetCampaignScores to get them earlier.
* @deprecated This function can be called through SDKTools using CTerrorGameRules,
* and so you should switch off to using SDKTools instead of this native.
* @param logical_team 0 for A, 1 for B
* @param campaign_score true to get campaign score instead of map score
* @return the logical team's map score
* or -1 if the team hasn't played the round yet,
* or the team's campaign score if campaign_score = true
native L4D_GetTeamScore(logical_team, campaign_score=false);/**
* @brief Restarts the setup timer (when in scavenge mode)
* @remarks If game has already started, the setup timer will show,
* but it still won't go back into setup.
native L4D_ScavengeBeginRoundSetupTime();/**
* @brief Restarts the round, switching the map if necessary
* @remarks Set the map to the current map to restart the round
* @param map the mapname it should go to after the round restarts
* @return 1 always
native L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote(const String:map[]);/**
* @brief Removes lobby reservation from a server
* @remarks Sets the reservation cookie to 0,
* it is safe to call this even if it's unreserved.
native L4D_LobbyUnreserve();/**
* @brief Checks if the server is currently reserved for a lobby
* @remarks Server is automatically unreserved if it hibernates or
* if all players leave.
* @deprecated This will always return false on L4D2 or on Linux.
* @return true if reserved, false if not reserved
*/#pragma deprecated This will always return false on L4D2 or on Linux.
native bool:L4D_LobbyIsReserved();/**
* @brief Gets the max versus completion score for the map
* @remarks Requires GameRules to be initialized--map must be loaded
* Seems to be updated before OnMapStart
* @return The map's max completion distance (map distance score)
native L4D_GetVersusMaxCompletionScore();/**
* @brief Sets the max versus completion score for the map
* @remarks Requires GameRules to be initialized--map must be loaded
* Seems to be updated before OnMapStart and checked on round_start
* @param score The versus max completion score to set for the round
native L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore(score);/**
* @brief Tells if the Mission (map) is the final map of the campaign
* @return true if the map is the last map of the campaign (finale)
native bool:L4D_IsMissionFinalMap();/**
* @brief Resets the natural mob (horde) timer
* @remarks Requires the Director to be available--map must be started
* @noreturn
native L4D_ResetMobTimer();/**
* @brief Notifies the CGameRulesProxy that the game state has been changed
* @remarks Use this function before changing networked members of GameRules,
* like with L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore()
* @noreturn
native L4D_NotifyNetworkStateChanged();/**
* @brief Trigger's a target player's stagger behavior
* @remarks Works on any CTerrorPlayer--survivor or infected.
* @param target Player to stagger
* @param source_ent Source of the stagger (another player, etc)
* @param source_vector Source location of the stagger. If NULL_VECTOR, origins of source_ent is used.
* @noreturn
native L4D_StaggerPlayer(target, source_ent,Float:source_vector[3]);/**
* @brief Get the time remaining before the next director horde.
* @remarks This timer is used for scripted event hordes and natural timed hordes
* @return Time remaining before next director horde
*/#pragma deprecated Use L4D2_CTimerGetRemainingTime(L4D2CT_MobSpawnTimer)
native Float:L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerRemaining();/**
* @brief Get the duration the horde timer was set to after the last horde
* @remarks This timer is used for scripted event hordes and natural timed hordes
* @return Total time from last horde to next horde.
*/#pragma deprecated Use L4D2_CTimerGetCountdownDuration(L4D2CT_MobSpawnTimer)
native Float:L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerDuration();/**
* @brief Get the remaining spawn time for an SI
* @remarks This is meant for Special infected in ghost mode in versus.
* @return Time (seconds) until the SI will spawn.
native Float:L4D_GetPlayerSpawnTime(player);/**
* @brief Calls CDirectorScriptedEventManager::SendInRescueVehicle(void)
* @remarks will fire the forward of the same function
* @noreturn
native L4D2_SendInRescueVehicle();/**
* @brief Calls CDirectorScriptedEventManager::ChangeFinaleStage(CDirectorScriptedEventManager::FinaleStageType,char const*)
* @param FinaleStageType integer value
* @remarks some values for FinaleStageType: 1 - Finale Started; 6 - Rescue Vehicle Ready; 7 - Zombie Hordes; 8 - Tank; 10 - Combat Respite (nothing spawns)
* @remarks
* @remarks will fire the forward of the same function
* @noreturn
native L4D2_ChangeFinaleStage(finaleType, const String:arg[]);/**
* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnTank(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the tank will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the tank will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned tank
native L4D_SpawnTank(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnSpecial(ZombieClassType,Vector&,QAngle&)
* @remarks Only used for bot special spawns (not players)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the SI will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the SI will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned SI
native L4D_SpawnSpecial(zombieClass, const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnWitch(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the witch will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the witch will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned witch
native L4D_SpawnWitch(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);/**
* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnWitchBride(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the witch bride will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the witch bride will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned witch bride
native L4D_SpawnWitchBride(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);
Максимальное количество игроков, о котором сообщает HLSW, будет автоматически меняться без использования sv_visiblemaxplayers (вы все равно можете использовать sv_visiblemaxplayers, как обычно, чтобы переопределить его по любой причине).
По умолчанию команды по-прежнему привязаны к 4 зараженным, 4 выжившим, поэтому необходимы другие плагины, чтобы использовать дополнительные слоты.
Что бы использовать корректно l4d_maxplayers разблокируйте необходимое количество слотов у вашего провайдера.
Если в Google по первой ссылки скачать расширение Left 4 Downtown 2 ( и загрузить его на сервер myArena, то в итоге вы можете получить следующую ошибку:
Данная версия расширение избавляет вас от этой ошибки.
l4d_maxplayers left4downtown_version
Возможности разработчиков: Left 4 Downtown 2 предоставляет большое количество полезных форвардов для разработчиков плагинов L4D2. Ниже приводится список некоторых форвардов.