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Target Override

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О плагине:

  • Плагин настроен для каждого Особого Зараженного.
  • Плагин объединён с Target Patch
  • Плагин переопределяет функцию ChooseVictim для каждого Особого Зараженного в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.
  • Расставьте приоритеты, кого атаковать первым.
  • Плагин может помешать определенным Особым Зараженным нацеливаться на лежачих выживших.
  • Плагин может восстановить игровое поведение ботов L4D1 в L4D2.
  • Сравнительный анализ показывает, что плагин очень оптимизирован.

Пример конфигурации данных:

// Rearrange order to your preference for each Special Infected class.
// You can set any number of "order" values, all are not required to be entered.
// When no order value is matched, the Special Infected will default to using the games internal targeting logic.
// Order:     Prioritise who to attack first:
//            1    = Normal Survivor.
//            2    = Vomited Survivor.
//            3    = Incapacitated Survivor.
//            4    = Survivor Pinned (by Smoker, Hunter, Charger, Jockey).
//            5    = Ledge hanging Survivor.
//            6    = Vomited Special Infected.
//            7    = Last Attacker.
//            8    = Lowest Health Survivor.
//            9    = Highest Health Survivor.
//            10   = Survivor being Pummelled by Charger.
//            11   = Survivor mounted on a Mini Gun.
//            12   = Survivor furthest ahead.
//            13    = Survivor reviving someone.
// pinned:    Ignore attacking target when they're pinned by: 1=Smoker. 2=Hunter. 4=Jockey. 8=Charger. 15=All. Add numbers together.
// incap:     0=Ignore incapacitated players. 1=Allow attacking incapacitated players. 2=Only attack incapacitated players when they are vomited. 3=Only attack incapacitated when everyone is incapacitated.
// voms:      0=Off. 1=Allow attacking vomited Special Infected (order number 6).
// voms2:     0=Ignore attacking if target is currently covered in bile. 1=Allow attacking vomited incapacitated Survivors.
// range:     0.0=No limit. The maximum range to target someone, otherwise the plugin defaults to the games internal mechanics for targeting someone.
// dist:      How close the Special Infected must be to a target to prevent changing target.
// wait:      How many seconds to target someone before being allowed to switch to another target. They will switch before if the player is no longer valid or allowed to be targeted.
// last:      0=Off. 1=Allow targeting the last attacker using order value 7. Does not change if a target is already very close (250 units).
// time:      When using the "last" order "7", how many seconds since the last attacker hurt the Special Infected before being able to change target.
// safe:      0=Allow attacking players in the saferoom. 1=Don't attack players in the saferoom.
// targeted:  0=Ignored. 1=Prevent attacking someone that's already targeted by another Special Infected.

        "order"     "7,6,2,3,1,4,5" // Preference: Last attacker, Vomited Special Infected, then Vomited Survivors, then Incapped, then normal Survivors.
        "pinned"    "15"
        "incap"        "1"
        "voms"        "1"
        "voms2"        "1"
        "range"        "0.0"
        "dist"        "250.0"
        "wait"        "2.0"
        "last"        "1"
        "time"        "2.0"
        "safe"        "1"
        "targeted"    "0"

Команды админа (Требуется флаг Z):

  • sm_to_reload - Соответственно перезагружает конфиг
  • sm_to_stats - Показывает статистику плагина. Для этого нужно DEBUG_BENCHMARK установить с 1 на 2

Генерируемый конфиг:

// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_target_override_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_target_override_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_target_override_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_modes_tog "0"

// L4D1: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Tank. 15=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "15"

// L4D2: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Spitter, 16=Jockey, 32=Charger, 64=Tank. 127=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "127"

// Which Survivor teams should be targeted. 2=Default Survivors. 4=Holding and Passing bots. 6=Both.
l4d_target_override_team "2"

// How should the plugin search through Survivors. 1=Nearest visible (defaults to games method on fail). 2=All Survivors from the nearest. 3=Nearest by flow distance (requires Left4DHooks plugin, defaults to type 2).
l4d_target_override_type "1"

// Target Override plugin version.




Форум для вас существует бесплатно и без рекламы, однако сервер Minecraft, домен и интернет не бесплатны, поэтому ваша помощь приветствуется.
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  • Администратор

Target Override

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О плагине:

  • Плагин настроен для каждого Особого Зараженного.
  • Плагин объединён с Target Patch
  • Плагин переопределяет функцию ChooseVictim для каждого Особого Зараженного в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.
  • Расставьте приоритеты, кого атаковать первым.
  • Плагин может помешать определенным Особым Зараженным нацеливаться на лежачих выживших.
  • Плагин может восстановить игровое поведение ботов L4D1 в L4D2.
  • Сравнительный анализ показывает, что плагин очень оптимизирован.

Пример конфигурации данных:

// Rearrange order to your preference for each Special Infected class.
// You can set any number of "order" values, all are not required to be entered.
// When no order value is matched, the Special Infected will default to using the games internal targeting logic.
// Order:     Prioritise who to attack first:
//            1    = Normal Survivor.
//            2    = Vomited Survivor.
//            3    = Incapacitated Survivor.
//            4    = Survivor Pinned (by Smoker, Hunter, Charger, Jockey).
//            5    = Ledge hanging Survivor.
//            6    = Vomited Special Infected.
//            7    = Last Attacker.
//            8    = Lowest Health Survivor.
//            9    = Highest Health Survivor.
//            10   = Survivor being Pummelled by Charger.
//            11   = Survivor mounted on a Mini Gun.
//            12   = Survivor furthest ahead.
//            13    = Survivor reviving someone.
// pinned:    Ignore attacking target when they're pinned by: 1=Smoker. 2=Hunter. 4=Jockey. 8=Charger. 15=All. Add numbers together.
// incap:     0=Ignore incapacitated players. 1=Allow attacking incapacitated players. 2=Only attack incapacitated players when they are vomited. 3=Only attack incapacitated when everyone is incapacitated.
// voms:      0=Off. 1=Allow attacking vomited Special Infected (order number 6).
// voms2:     0=Ignore attacking if target is currently covered in bile. 1=Allow attacking vomited incapacitated Survivors.
// range:     0.0=No limit. The maximum range to target someone, otherwise the plugin defaults to the games internal mechanics for targeting someone.
// dist:      How close the Special Infected must be to a target to prevent changing target.
// wait:      How many seconds to target someone before being allowed to switch to another target. They will switch before if the player is no longer valid or allowed to be targeted.
// last:      0=Off. 1=Allow targeting the last attacker using order value 7. Does not change if a target is already very close (250 units).
// time:      When using the "last" order "7", how many seconds since the last attacker hurt the Special Infected before being able to change target.
// safe:      0=Allow attacking players in the saferoom. 1=Don't attack players in the saferoom.
// targeted:  0=Ignored. 1=Prevent attacking someone that's already targeted by another Special Infected.

        "order"     "7,6,2,3,1,4,5" // Preference: Last attacker, Vomited Special Infected, then Vomited Survivors, then Incapped, then normal Survivors.
        "pinned"    "15"
        "incap"        "1"
        "voms"        "1"
        "voms2"        "1"
        "range"        "0.0"
        "dist"        "250.0"
        "wait"        "2.0"
        "last"        "1"
        "time"        "2.0"
        "safe"        "1"
        "targeted"    "0"

Команды админа (Требуется флаг Z):

  • sm_to_reload - Соответственно перезагружает конфиг
  • sm_to_stats - Показывает статистику плагина. Для этого нужно DEBUG_BENCHMARK установить с 1 на 2

Генерируемый конфиг:

// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_target_override_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_target_override_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_target_override_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_modes_tog "0"

// L4D1: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Tank. 15=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "15"

// L4D2: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Spitter, 16=Jockey, 32=Charger, 64=Tank. 127=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "127"

// Which Survivor teams should be targeted. 2=Default Survivors. 4=Holding and Passing bots. 6=Both.
l4d_target_override_team "2"

// How should the plugin search through Survivors. 1=Nearest visible (defaults to games method on fail). 2=All Survivors from the nearest. 3=Nearest by flow distance (requires Left4DHooks plugin, defaults to type 2).
l4d_target_override_type "1"

// Target Override plugin version.


2.19 (22.09.2022)
  - Добавлена опция «13», чтобы была возможность нацелить выжившего на самого дальнего бота
  - В конфигурацию данных добавлена опция «targeted», чтобы предотвратить нацеливание на кого-то, на кого уже нацелен другой Особый Зараженный.




Форум для вас существует бесплатно и без рекламы, однако сервер Minecraft, домен и интернет не бесплатны, поэтому ваша помощь приветствуется.
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  • 1 год спустя...
  • Администратор

Target Override

Просмотр файла

О плагине:

  • Плагин настроен для каждого Особого Зараженного.
  • Плагин объединён с Target Patch
  • Плагин переопределяет функцию ChooseVictim для каждого Особого Зараженного в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.
  • Расставьте приоритеты, кого атаковать первым.
  • Плагин может помешать определенным Особым Зараженным нацеливаться на лежачих выживших.
  • Плагин может восстановить игровое поведение ботов L4D1 в L4D2.
  • Сравнительный анализ показывает, что плагин очень оптимизирован.

Пример конфигурации данных:

// Rearrange order to your preference for each Special Infected class.
// You can set any number of "order" values, all are not required to be entered.
// When no order value is matched, the Special Infected will default to using the games internal targeting logic.
// Order:     Prioritise who to attack first:
//            1    = Normal Survivor.
//            2    = Vomited Survivor.
//            3    = Incapacitated Survivor.
//            4    = Survivor Pinned (by Smoker, Hunter, Charger, Jockey).
//            5    = Ledge hanging Survivor.
//            6    = Vomited Special Infected.
//            7    = Last Attacker.
//            8    = Lowest Health Survivor.
//            9    = Highest Health Survivor.
//            10   = Survivor being Pummelled by Charger.
//            11   = Survivor mounted on a Mini Gun.
//            12   = Survivor furthest ahead.
//            13    = Survivor reviving someone.
// pinned:    Ignore attacking target when they're pinned by: 1=Smoker. 2=Hunter. 4=Jockey. 8=Charger. 15=All. Add numbers together.
// incap:     0=Ignore incapacitated players. 1=Allow attacking incapacitated players. 2=Only attack incapacitated players when they are vomited. 3=Only attack incapacitated when everyone is incapacitated.
// voms:      0=Off. 1=Allow attacking vomited Special Infected (order number 6).
// voms2:     0=Ignore attacking if target is currently covered in bile. 1=Allow attacking vomited incapacitated Survivors.
// range:     0.0=No limit. The maximum range to target someone, otherwise the plugin defaults to the games internal mechanics for targeting someone.
// dist:      How close the Special Infected must be to a target to prevent changing target.
// wait:      How many seconds to target someone before being allowed to switch to another target. They will switch before if the player is no longer valid or allowed to be targeted.
// last:      0=Off. 1=Allow targeting the last attacker using order value 7. Does not change if a target is already very close (250 units).
// time:      When using the "last" order "7", how many seconds since the last attacker hurt the Special Infected before being able to change target.
// safe:      0=Allow attacking players in the saferoom. 1=Don't attack players in the saferoom.
// targeted:  0=Ignored. 1=Prevent attacking someone that's already targeted by another Special Infected.

        "order"     "7,6,2,3,1,4,5" // Preference: Last attacker, Vomited Special Infected, then Vomited Survivors, then Incapped, then normal Survivors.
        "pinned"    "15"
        "incap"        "1"
        "voms"        "1"
        "voms2"        "1"
        "range"        "0.0"
        "dist"        "250.0"
        "wait"        "2.0"
        "last"        "1"
        "time"        "2.0"
        "safe"        "1"
        "targeted"    "0"

Команды админа (Требуется флаг Z):

sm_to_reload - Соответственно перезагружает конфиг
sm_to_stats - Показывает статистику плагина. Для этого нужно DEBUG_BENCHMARK установить с 1 на 2. 

Генерируемый конфиг:

// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_target_override_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_target_override_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_target_override_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_modes_tog "0"

// L4D1: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Tank. 15=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "15"

// L4D2: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Spitter, 16=Jockey, 32=Charger, 64=Tank. 127=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "127"

// Which Survivor teams should be targeted. 2=Default Survivors. 4=Holding and Passing bots. 6=Both.
l4d_target_override_team "2"

// How should the plugin search through Survivors. 1=Nearest visible (defaults to games method on fail). 2=All Survivors from the nearest. 3=Nearest by flow distance (requires Left4DHooks plugin, defaults to type 2).
l4d_target_override_type "1"

// Target Override plugin version.


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